The developments in the 1960s and 1970s, although controversial at the time, were popular in use at least while they were still new.

Park usage dwindled by the start of the 21st century as facilities became rundown and its safety was called into question after some serious crimes.  Confidence was slow to return and initially depended on small steps which included a new play park in 2003 and the Family Tree Scheme which started in 2004.  In 2012, the Life Centre opened, not only replacing the former swimming pool and Mayflower leisure centre but also leading to a better arrangement of buildings and use of space in the area.  

In 2017, Plymouth City Council embarked on a further package of improvements that included a new café, new tennis courts, new and improved sports pitches, new play area, skate park extension, a sustainable drainage scheme, path improvements and tackling deferred maintenance.  A major milestone was reached in 2019 when the park achieved its first ‘Green Flag’ award.  

Looking ahead, attention is turning to the park’s northern quadrant and to giving Pounds House a sustainable future, whilst consolidating recent achievements to retain the park’s ‘Green Flag’ status.